My general interests are in graph theory and theoretical computer science. Recently, I have been focusing on topological graph theory, in particular embeddings of dense graphs in surfaces and problems related to the Map Color Theorem, and randomized algorithms, in particular property testing and sublinear algorithms. In the past I did some work in computer graphics and discrete geometry.
- Genus embeddings of complete graphs minus a matching
- T. Sun, manuscript
- An optimal construction for complete graph embeddings with duals of low connectivity
- T. Sun, submitted
- On Kainen's conjectures on surface crossing numbers
- T. Sun, manuscript
- Face-simple minimal quadrangulations of surfaces
- S. Abusaif*, W. Singh^, T. Sun, Journal of Graph Theory 108(3), 647-655, 2025. [arXiv preprint]
- Harborth’s conjecture for 4-regular planar graphs
- D. J. Chang*, T. Sun, International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, (2024) 38
- Jungerman ladders and index 2 constructions for genus embeddings of dense regular graphs
- T. Sun, European Journal of Combinatorics, 120 (2024) 103974
- Commutators in the Rubik's Cube group
- T. Sun, American Mathematical Monthly, 131(1) (2024) 3-19 [online supplement]
- Index 3 biembeddings of the complete graphs
- J. F. Barajas*, T. Sun, Discrete Mathematics 347(1) (2024) 113688
- Settling the nonorientable genus of the nearly complete bipartite graphs
- W. Singh^, T. Sun, Graphs and Combinatorics 39 (2023) 96 [arXiv preprint]
- Settling the genus of the n-prism
- T. Sun, European Journal of Combinatorics 110 (2023) 103667
- AAnim: an Animation Engine for Visualizing Algorithms and Data Structures for Educators
- Z. J. Liu^, T. Sun, SIGCSE TS 2023 Posters [abstract]
- A Lower Bound on Cycle-Finding in Sparse Digraphs
- X. Chen, T. Randolph, R. Servedio, T. Sun, ACM Trans. Algs. 18(4) (2022) #31 (SODA 2020) [conference version]
- On the bigenus of the complete graphs
- T. Sun, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 84(1) (2022) 212-219
- Face distributions of embeddings of complete graphs
- T. Sun, Journal of Graph Theory 97(2) (2021) 281-304 [arXiv preprint]
- Simultaneous constructions for minimum triangulations and complete graph embeddings
- T. Sun, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 18(20) (2020) 309-337
- A simple construction for orientable triangular embeddings of the complete graphs on 12s vertices
- T. Sun, Discrete Mathematics 342(4) (2019) 1147-1151
- Sample-based high-dimensional convexity testing
- X. Chen, A. Freilich, R. Servedio, T. Sun, RANDOM 2017 [arXiv preprint/full version]
(* = undergraduate SFSU student, ^ = graduate SFSU student)
- Sulanke's Globes
- T. Sun, Bridges 2024 Art Exhibition
- Neighborly Nine
- T. Sun, Bridges 2023 Art Exhibition
- Heffter-Edmonds Face Tracer
- for computing the genus of a rotation system of a simple graph
- Deployable 3D Linkages With Collision Avoidance
- C. Zheng, T. Sun, X. Chen, ACM/EG SCA 2016 (Best Paper Award)
- Computational Design of Twisty Joints and Puzzles
- T. Sun, C. Zheng, ACM SIGGRAPH (Proc. Trans. on Graphics) 2015
- Fast Multipole Representation of Diffusion Curves and Points
- T. Sun, P. Thamjaroenporn, C. Zheng, ACM SIGGRAPH (Proc. Trans. on Graphics) 2014
- Genus distributions of cubic series-parallel graphs
- J. L. Gross, M. Kotrbčik, T. Sun, Discrete Math. and Theoretical Comp. Sci. 16(3) (2014)
- On Milgram's construction and the Duke embedding conjectures
- T. Sun, senior thesis, Columbia University (advisor: Jonathan L. Gross)
- Drawing some 4-regular planar graphs with integer edge lengths
- T. Sun, 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (2013)
- Rigidity-theoretic constructions of integral Fary embeddings
- T. Sun, 23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (2011)